Our little mishti celebrated her first birthday on the 27th of september 2008. Quite an occassion in our lives by all standards. Quite an eventful one too. Because Right after that weekend, I embraced a big career change. I joined my new employment and the the interesting fact about this new assignment is that, in about 3 weeks time, Anshu will also be joining me at the same place. But then one can read all about it at http://anandspeak.blogspot.com. Here, we will talk about Shahana's party.
This was one roller-coaster ride, right from the word go! We had some vague idea in mind about how we want this event to be. And we started off, with just that threadbare thought in our minds. The first step as usual was 'where'? Delhi was an obvious choice but due to the recent developments in our career fronts, it was summarily rejected. It became very apparent that we will be celebrating in Bangalore. Once that was decided, another thing stared right at our faces was that most of our families may not be able to make it here because we are the only branches of our respective family trees, swaying in Bangalore! Nevertheless, we decided to make the most of what we did have. And thanks to the current state of technology, I was sure that I could share those magical moments right here on Misthi's blog, for everyone to relive that momentuous occassion.
The banquet hall was finalized and we got to experience the power

of outsourcing first hand. I, for one, was quite amazed at the availability of dedicated professionals willing to take care of end-to-end solutions, such as decorations, event management etc. All that we had to do was to choose the theme that we wanted and tell them the date......Voila! Taken care of. All that we needed to do was show up on the said date, all dressed up and all and everything was arranged and in-place. How very convinient!
Of course, as an afterthought, I feel that the romance of preparing for a birthday party, at home, doing all the decorations yourselves, getting hassled over not finding the right colored baloons, etc. is taken away. But then these are

changing times. We are all the more time starved than the previous generation and if we have an opportunity to pay our way out of stress, we usually do so, without the guilt. And one has to agree that no matter how much effort one puts, it may probably never matchup to the professional results which an agency is willing to give you, for a consideration. All said and done, at the end of the day, it was a very happy evening and a memorable one too. And that is all that matters.
Click on the link below for the pictures.